
  • 6 Articles

From:  Joshua Myers

As some of you know, I have been working on a website to facilitate making it easy for everyone in our community to be able to get in touch with each other whenever something occurs that is of interest to the...

From:  Joshua Myers

As some of you know, I have been working on a website to facilitate making it easy for everyone in our community to be able to get in touch with each other whenever something occurs that is of interest to the community. Although, the website The Neighborhood Exchange was originally envisioned as just something we could use to stay in touch with each other, it's sort of grown to include much more functionality then was originally planned, with additional options already planned as future site enhancements. 

I want to thank our early testers for providing feedback on what the site should include and how to make the site useful as a neighborhood communication tool. The site now provides both private and public neighborhood group options and a multitude of privacy settings for users, as a result. We are now in the final stage of our planned testing. This is where the rubber meets the road--real world testing--inviting neighbors to try out the site and requesting and receiving their feedback.  

With the above said, fellow Residence of The Enclave at Camino Ranch, you are invited to try the site out and provide your feedback. Feel free to explore the site at on your desktop or mobile device. 

Your feedback is welcome and may be provided via The Enclave at Camino Ranch Group's story form (group feed), group membership required; my Profile Page's "start a conversation" icon (private message), signin required; or, if you prefer, via email to info@theneighborhoodexchangecom



When you know your neighbors, and have the ability to contact them, you have a valuable resource for gathering recommendations and for obtaining support for community issues. The Neighborhood Exchange was created to facilitate getting to know your neighbors and being able to contact them when you need to. I hope you find the site enjoyable and most of all useful.

Joshua Myers


Our Home Page

Registration is fairly simple. You can manually register or use the provided Facebook or Twitter sign-in options. If just exploring the site, you can select the Community Profile as your registration profile. The other profiles are primarily for public and private group participation.


Exploring Neighborhood Groups


To explore the available group communications options, simply click the Groups menu link and then click the Join Group button of your chosen group.

  • The Enclave at Camino Ranch, group displayed, is a Closed Group, requiring approval prior to membership being granted.
  • An Open Group on the other hand provides immediate access upon joining, without any approval requirement.
  • ·An Invite Group requires that all members first be invited in order to join. The display of the group is hidden from all site users except its members.

To learn more, try the following links:

·         About

·         Classifieds (free)

·         Tools available to you upon joining The Neighborhood Exchange

Join The Neighborhood Exchange now, during this critical testing stage, to become familiar with the site, provide feedback, impact development, establish neighborhood contacts and begin writing about things important to you and your neighbors.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Best Regards,

Joshua Myers

  1.   14 June 2017
  2.   General Information

Neighborhood Classifieds - another way The Neighborhood Exchange is keeping you in touch with neighbors and businesses in your community!

Own a business or provide a service? List your business in the Business Classifieds section. Our...

Neighborhood Classifieds - another way The Neighborhood Exchange is keeping you in touch with neighbors and businesses in your community!

Own a business or provide a service? List your business in the Business Classifieds section. Our classifieds section is searchable, making it easy for users to easily find you when your service or merchandise is needed.  

Have items you no longer want? Sell or give them away by listing them in our Classifieds section. It's simple to use--create an accout or post as a guest--email required. Try searching Neighborhood Classifieds for items of interest to you. Join us today!

  1.   05 February 2017
  2.   Community
The Neighborhood Exchange Supports Neighborhood Businesses. 

We're all about you keeping in touch with your community, friends, family, and businesses. We want to make it easy for you to find businesses in your area, quickly, when you need them....

The Neighborhood Exchange Supports Neighborhood Businesses. 

We're all about you keeping in touch with your community, friends, family, and businesses. We want to make it easy for you to find businesses in your area, quickly, when you need them. Your support for local businesses helps your community with the jobs they create and the tax revenue they generate. When businesses thrive in your community, your neighborhoods benefit with reduced crime and increased tax revenue. Your neighborhood businesses appreciate your support. Help them make your community strong. Bookmark this site so that you can come here first to find the businesses in your area.

Search The Neighborhood Exchange business pages and classifieds for business reviews / recommendations of businesses in your area. Join us today!

  1.   05 February 2017
  2.   Community

The Neighborhood Exchange is all about you getting to know your neighbors 

Unless your neighborhood is unusual, it probably has a continuing move in and move out of neighbors going on. If you've kept to yourself, or have just been busing...

The Neighborhood Exchange is all about you getting to know your neighbors 

Unless your neighborhood is unusual, it probably has a continuing move in and move out of neighbors going on. If you've kept to yourself, or have just been busing managing your day to day routine, chances are you don't know quiet as many of your neighbors as you once did. Even if you've made it a goal to know your immediate neighbors, chances are you don't know but a few, if any living on the connecting street or the next street over. The Neighborhood Exchange wants to help change this by faciliating communications between neighborhood residents, and businesses. Together we can create that sence of closeness and belonging that creates neighborhood pride.

Join us in our quest to get everyone connected with their community.

  1.   04 February 2017
  2.   Community

Today is different than years ago... today it's not unusual for families to extent across the country, even the world. Whether due to career goals / advancement opportunities or a number of possible other reasons, the fact remains that the...

Today is different than years ago... today it's not unusual for families to extent across the country, even the world. Whether due to career goals / advancement opportunities or a number of possible other reasons, the fact remains that the close-knit feeling of "community," has eroded over time. We no longer feel as safe as a result. What can we do?

Today the internet has made communication easier than ever--the "long distance barrier is gone!" But still, available tools alone are not the answer. You have to participate in order for the communications process to help. When it comes to your neighborhood, you not only need to be informed of the issues facing your neighborhood, you need to be part of the solution. With The Neighborhood Exchange you have a powerful tool for communicating with your neighbors. Join your neighborhood's private social network and begin communicating about issues and concerns particular to your neighborhood. The Neighborhood Exchange wants to help bring back that close-knit feeling of community that once was.

Join us today and let The Neighborhood Exchange help you begin the communication process in your neighborhood.

  1.   04 February 2017
  2.   Community
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