We want to make it easy for you to communicate with your friends, family, neighbors and others in your community. The Neighborhood
Exchange is a powerful tool for getting out the word about business experiences (good or bad), safety concerns and other important issues affecting your neighborhood.
When you know your neighbors, and have the ability to contact them, you have a valuable resource for gathering recommendations and for obtaining support for community issues. The Neighborhood Exchange wants to help you get to know your neighbors and be able to contact them when you need to.
Below is a list of the tools that are available to you upon joining The Neighborhood Exchange:

Private and Public Social Networks

  • Private Group Communication (myNeighborhood - member access only)
    • Wall
    • Forum
    • Events calendar
    • Photo and File uploads
  • Public Communication (CommunityPosts)
    • Profile privacy settings apply
  • Profile Area
    • Wall
    • Forum
    • Blog / Article creation
    • Photo and File uploads
    • Access myNeighborhood private groups
    • Create myNeighborhood private groups (requires The Neighborhood Exchange site coordinator's approval, post creation)
    • Join Neighborhood Business sponsored groups (provide feedback on your experience) 
    • Add, view and update classifieds
    • Update / manage profile and contacts/friends

Profile Privacy options

  • Entire Profile (public, users, private, connections/friends …)
  • Grant/deny viewing by connection type (family, friend, myNeighborhood, and others)
  • Restrict viewing of selected fields on profile (contact information and more)

Private and Public Forums

  • Private through myNeighborhood access
  • Public through open forums

Other Communication Options:

  • Private messaging
  • Email
  • Blog / Article creation

Site Access:

  • Registration/sign-in
  • Facebook sign-in option
  • Other Social log-in options 

Public Classifieds - contact info controlled by privacy settings

  • Can view classifieds posts from your profile page
  • Business category provides information about area businesses

Join us and let us help you get to know your neighbors.